Accelerating BI Migration to SaaS with Qlik

Working with clients all over the world, the Accenture & Qlik team hears many common BI management issues, including:

  1. How can I overcome the constraints of legacy BI
  2. How can I minimize the challenges of SaaS migration; and
  3. How can mitigate data security and compliance risks

Join us to learn how combining Qlik Application Automation (QAA) with the latest features of Qlik Cloud can accelerate your BI migration to SaaS and deliver organizational value. Embrace a laser-focuses SaaS migration approach which unlocks the power of automation across the entire migration pipeline. This session will cover:

  • Discovering and planning your SaaS migration to rationalize and modernize a convoluted and siloed BI landscape
  • Adopting a transparency focused mindset for automation and migration
  • Monitoring and managing your Qlik platforms during and following your migration journey
  • A technical demo showcasing how to leverage bespoke QAA workflows which support multiple stages of the migration pipeline

By attending you also will hear from our BI experts who completed projects that automated the migration of dashboards, data connections, task chains and more from on-premise to Qlik Cloud that accelerated BI migration, oftentimes at 2x to 3x vs industry averages.

The entire team will also be available for the final 15 minutes to hear directly from you and answer your specific BI migration use case questions.

This session will benefit CIOs, CDOs, Enterprise Data Architects, and Functional Business Leaders

Register Here

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Aug 1st, 2019


08:45 - 09:15

The Future of the Web: and how to prepare for it now

Samantha Jonson
Founder of Creative Agency

08:45 - 09:15

The Future of the Web: and how to prepare for it now

Samantha Jonson
Founder of Creative Agency


Lunch Break

14:30 - 15:45

Workshop: The Future of the Web: and how to prepare for it now

Samantha Jonson
Founder of Creative Agency


Invite them along - the more the merrier.


Sashin Patel

Sashin Patel

Qlik Technical Lead, Accenture


Find me on:

Sashin Patel

Serene Au Kai Ni

Qlik EMEA Lead, Accenture


Find me on:

Rakesh Soni

Rakesh Soni

Accenture Global Lead, Qlik


Find me on:





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About Qlik

Qlik, with the recent addition of Talend, is the global leader in data integration, data quality, and analytics solutions. Its comprehensive cloud platform unifies data across cloud and hybrid environments, automates information pipelines and data-driven workflows, and augments insights with AI. Qlik enables users to make data more available and actionable for better, faster business outcomes. With more than 40,000 active customers in over 100 countries, Qlik is committed to providing powerful data solutions to meet the evolving needs of organizations worldwide.

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