Volvo Warehouse Digital Twin
Reality is rarely reflected well in tabular form. At Volvo Group thousands of spare parts are packed and shipped each day. In order to fulfill the objectives of the driving Key Performance Indicators; Safety Quality, Delivery, Environment, Cost and People Volvo is using a Digital Twin built by Meridion in Qlik Sense as a representation of the physical world. This enables the users to ask questions and drive operational excellence in a way that has proven difficult with normal reports and analytics.
In this on demand webinar you will learn how Volvo Group uses Qlik Sense and VR to create a more efficient, cost saving and ergonomically warehouse. Listen to Vipin Kumar, Strategy & Innovation Manager - GTO Service Market Logistics at Volvo Group and Johan Bystedt, CEO Meridion:
- Short Introduction about Volvo Group, Service Market Logistics and Strategy & Innovation function
- Reasoning, way of working with the WH Digital Twin solution
- Demo of the solution
- Learnings and reflection
Register now and watch directly or when ever suits you best.
Kind regards
Volvo, Meridion and Qlik
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Merci de votre inscription
Vous allez recevoir d'ici quelques instants un email de confirmation. Au programme de ce webinar :
- Le concept de Data Warehouse agile porté par une solution agnostique et plébiscitée par Gartner
- Une méthode simple pour l'intégration et le streaming des données en temps réel
- Démonstration de Qlik Data Integration : réplication et automatisation de votre Data Warehouse
Participez à cette session et donnez un coup d'accélérateur au ROI de vos projets analytiques.
Zeit | Thema |
08:30 – 09:30 Uhr | Registrierung, Frühstück & Networking |
09:30 – 10:15 Uhr |
Qlik Welcome, Customer & Partner Interview
Ulrike Gosewinkel, Qlik | Manuel Reimitz, Qlik | Björn Zimmer, Bundesrechenzentrum | Martin Pöckl, Microsoft Österreich
10:15 – 11:00 Uhr | Q&A & Demo-Stationen (Qlik) Demo-Station: Manuel Reimitz, Qlik |
Invite them along - the more the merrier.

Manuel Reimitz
Team Lead Solution Architect

Dennis Jaskowiak
Principal Solution Architect
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Raum: „Collabs Bar“