Kickstart your mainframe analytics in less than 2 weeks
Qlik & AWS help you efficiently capture large volumes of changed data from your source Mainframe systems and deliver analytics ready data in real-time to Amazon Web Services (AWS). Data sets are then easily cataloged and provisioned for all your analytic initiatives such as AI, machine learning, data science, BI and operational reporting.
- Replicate very large volumes of mainframe data in real-time to AWS
- Expand access to Mainframe data by automatically creating and updating a cloud data warehouse that contains Mainframe master and transactional source data
- Enable new insights and data science by allowing users to combine data from DB2 z/OS, VSAM, IMS/DB sources with data from other trusted sources
Qlik & AWS quickramp for mainframe - No cost workshop and POC
Qlik & AWS QuickRamp for Mainframe is a premium trial experience including software and subject matter expertise to deliver real-time, analytics-ready data from your Mainframe systems to Amazon Redshift, S3 and/or EMR for analysis and action.
Start realizing the full potential of your Mainframe data now!
Bring SAP data into Azure using Qlik Data Integration for accelerated time-to-insight

Get Faster Time-to-insight With Azure Synapse
And Qlik Data Integration
Qlik Data Integration easily and rapidly delivers SAP objects, transactions, and system data to Azure Synapse, where you can gain insights through automated and governed pipelines with Power BI. Use your SAP data for analytics initiatives such as:
- Real-time insights – Maximize efficiency by using “in-the-moment” SAP data to deliver business insights that quickly uncover trends.
- SAP + non-SAP data – Blend critical, high-value SAP data with non-SAP data for advanced analytics for fresh new insights.
- BI + Machine Learning – Bring newly discovered SAP data to the Power BI and Machine Learning platform for predictive analytics and better business outcomes.